Monday, September 14, 2009

Ursuline High School Wimbledon

What a joy to visit Ursuline High School in Wimbledon today!! This school is a government designated lead school for talented and gifted students. The high school specializes in business and languages as well. It was founded in 1882 and has 1360 students ages 11-18.
I had the great pleasure of meeting with Mr. Matthew Oliver, International Coordinator and English teacher extraordinaire. We had a very fruitful conversation about how we might continue to link our schools together - He was very "keen"on the idea. Some possibilities are virtual conversations, joint projects and teacher exchanges (and perhaps student exchanges in the future). Most immediately, I have agreed to film a short video greeting from our school in Dallas to share with the Ursuline Wimbledon community. So, stay tuned for more news about Ursuline Wimbledon and look for their school newsletter to be displayed next week in the Global Village at UA.

Do we love these uniforms?


  1. They look so cute! We would be so excited to meet them! And their uniforms are so different! But I really like the blue.

  2. Excellent! I'll be talking with Mr. Oliver soon to see how we might collaborate in the near future - Please stay tuned!
