Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homeward Bound

Oh what an adventure these last weeks have been. I feel like I have been away forever so I am very excited to return home and to our daily adventures at our happy academy. Thanks for accompanying me on this journey with your reading, comments and emails. Staying connected helps the weary traveler....

So, in my last few UK moments, I find myself in the American Airlines Lounge at Heathrow - this time the lounge is very dark and old - kind of depressing compared to the very shiney duty free shop outside. There is a big sign to let us know that the new lounge is being remodeled and so we should be patient (ok). It's raining in London, Mumbai and Dallas today - so I guess I'll have to be glad to be home despite the lack of sun - no problem. I had a wonderful visit with Cecile and her family - spent much of last evening comparing jewelery with Cecile's daughter, Caroline. Apparently she is interested in me because she doesn't "have much time for putting on necklaces." Priceless - there's nothing like the 9 year old perspective to keep you humble!

I am now going to inspect the sad looking snacks on the Admirals Club table and I may go out to Duty Free to see what's happening in perfumes globally (I have a Duty Free addiction problem ever since the smell of Cartier Panthere wofted over me back in 1989 when I worked at Duty Free - more good times).

So, thanks a million for all of your untiring love and support - see you in Big D!

Until the next global adventure,



  1. We really would love to build a strong relationship between English Ursuline students and ourselves! We're really excited!
    - Lara Kakish, Emily Wikman,and Annie Gallerano

  2. Dear Lara, Annie and Emily, Thanks so much for your enthusiastic comment!! I will be working on this relationship for you!

    Ms. Nipp :)
